Futuristics + Curriculum


At Heritage Innovation School, our commitment to a nurturing and stimulating educational environment extends from fostering academic excellence to promoting spiritual growth and skill development. Our carefully designed curriculum for grades 1-6 combines core subjects with enriched offerings in news and technology, music, and business fundamentals.

Empowering Young Minds for a Brighter Tomorrow


    • Bible Studies, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History & Geography, Art & Music, and Physical Education - Our curriculum emphasizes understanding, creativity, and the joy of learning across these foundational areas.



    • News and Future Insights: Our youngest learners are introduced to the world of current events in a way that's accessible and engaging. Through the innovative use of future wheels, students learn to look beyond the surface, understanding the broader implications of news stories. This approach not only fosters critical thinking but also instills a sense of global awareness from an early age.

    • Technology and Creative Solutions: In today's digital age, students must navigate the online world safely and responsibly. Our technology curriculum goes beyond basic digital skills, teaching students how to use technology creatively to solve problems and make positive contributions to society.

    • Music: Exploration and Expression: Music education at Heritage Innovation School is about more than just learning notes and rhythms. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of instruments, developing their musical talents and appreciating the beauty of musical expression. This journey of discovery helps students find their voice in the world of music.

    • Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship: Even our youngest students are introduced to the basics of economics and entrepreneurship. Through hands-on projects and interactive learning, students begin to understand the value of innovation and hard work. This foundation inspires a generation of problem-solvers and leaders

A Unique Educational Experience

HIS is dedicated to providing an education that prepares students not just academically but also spiritually and socially for the challenges ahead. By incorporating technology, music, and business into our curriculum, we ensure our students are well-rounded, future-ready individuals.