Learning Journey



Heritage isn’t just a place we come to learn; it's where we belong. Walking through the halls, you feel a sense of unity and friendship that transcends casual friendships. Our school has diverse backgrounds and stories, yet there’s an undeniable bond that ties us all together. It’s this sense of community that makes Heritage special. We learn from each other, support one another through challenges, and celebrate our successes together. This is where lifelong friendships are formed.

— Nicole

At Heritage, learning goes beyond the textbooks. It’s about connecting with each subject on a personal level, discovering our passions, and being encouraged by teachers who care deeply about our growth. This isn't just a school; it’s a community that nurtures our curiosity, teaches us to ask meaningful questions, and prepares us for the real world. Here, we're not just students; we're future leaders learning to navigate the complexities of the world with confidence and compassion.


I consider HIS's most significant attribute to be resilience. It's challenging not to give up, but it's even more demanding to exhibit leadership and love.

Heritage has achieved exceptional accomplishments in the eyes of God and stands as an outstanding school. The ability to solve problems and engage in lifelong learning is a skill we'll apply daily. Let's conquer every obstacle, Heritage.

We can succeed.

— Praise

At my previous school, there wasn't a dedicated monitoring class, but Heritage has one. Here, I've gained valuable insights not just from academic subjects but also on how to envision a brighter future. It's truly amazing!

— Lucas

In the past, I admit I was self-centred and sometimes saw my friends as rivals. However, during my time here, I've come to understand the importance of collaboration and helping my peers achieve their university aspirations at HIS. I've also realized that it's essential not to blindly follow generic study plans, assuming they will automatically suit your needs. Instead, by tailoring your approach to your unique strengths and ambitions, you can truly reach your desired goals at Heritage Innovation School.

— Thomson

Studying at Heritage has opened my eyes to the wider world. We're encouraged to think globally, whether through international programs, learning new languages, or exploring global issues in our courses. This global perspective has made me more aware of the challenges facing our world and motivated me to think about how I can contribute to global solutions. It's inspiring to be part of a community that doesn't just focus on local success but also aims to make a difference globally.

— Chloe

I consider HIS's most significant attribute to be resilience. It's challenging not to give up, but it's even more demanding to exhibit leadership and love.

Heritage has achieved exceptional accomplishments in the eyes of God and stands as an outstanding school. The ability to solve problems and engage in lifelong learning is a skill we'll apply daily. Let's conquer every obstacle, Heritage.

— Stephanie

Heritage has played a pivotal role in my personal growth. It's a place that challenges you, not just academically, but in discovering who you are and who you want to be. The journey hasn’t always been easy, but it's in facing these challenges that I've learned resilience. The support from teachers and peers alike has been incredible, teaching me that it's okay to stumble, as long as you get back up. Heritage has taught me the true meaning of resilience: it's not about never facing setbacks, but about how you rise after them.

— Raina

What stands out to me about Heritage is its vibrant culture of innovation and creativity. We're encouraged to think differently, to question the status quo, and to imagine new possibilities. Whether it's through cutting-edge projects, creative arts programs, or technology-driven initiatives, Heritage is a place where ideas flourish. It's exhilarating to be part of a community that values creativity not just as an academic exercise, but as a way of life.

— Shane

Heritage places a strong emphasis on the well-being of its students. It's reassuring to know that there's a network of support, whether through counselling services, wellness programs, or simply teachers and friends who genuinely care about your mental health. This focus on well-being has taught me the importance of balance and self-care, ensuring that we not only excel academically but also thrive emotionally and mentally

— Aiden

I consider HIS's most significant attribute to be resilience. It's challenging not to give up, but it's even more demanding to exhibit leadership and love.

Heritage has achieved exceptional accomplishments in the eyes of God and stands as an outstanding school. The ability to solve problems and engage in lifelong learning is a skill we'll apply daily. Let's conquer every obstacle, Heritage.

— Kathleen